Monthly Archives: June 2013

PCEA roadshow moves from Miami to Louisville

The Presidential Commission on Election Administration was in the Miami area on Friday, where they heard from local officials and advocates about lines at the polls (including their disparate impact on racial and ethnic minorities).

Then, on Saturday, co-chairs Bob Bauer and Ben Ginsberg moved on to Louisville, to meet with local officials at the annual conference of the International Association of Clerks, Recorders, Election Officials and Treasurers.  That’s IACREOT, if you’re texting.

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Literacy tests from the 60s

This isn’t a news item, but rather a collection of actual literacy tests from the 60s.

This Slate piece linked to this site hosted by the Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement, and their collection of literacy tests.  As the Slate snippet notes, many of the literacy tests were ostensibly connected to civics, but I’m particularly intrigued by Louisiana’s mind-teaser version.

(The originals, it always bears repeating, were tools of disenfranchisement rather than “mind-teasers.”  I do not mean to belittle the gravity of their deployment by the description.  And no, they’re not coming back after Shelby County.)

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“Democrats Get a Gift From the Roberts Court”

Ross Douthat’s latest column follows the “backlash” narrative: if the aftermath of Shelby County sees more laws marginally increasing burdens for some, that will inspire greater compensatory turnout from others.

Two short notes on this argument.  First, voters aren’t fungible.  Increasing burdens for some is still increasing burdens for some.  Second, not all votes are for the presidency.  I’ve yet to hear a convincing story about how the backlash narrative works in a small town or a rural county.

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